Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam
Indonesia Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine

Tentang Papdi

Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam Indonesia (PAPDI) adalah perhimpunan yang menjadi wadah berkumpul dan bersatunya seluruh Internis yang berada di Indonesia.Sejak dibentuk dan diresmikan pada tanggal 16 November 1957, PAPDI sampai dengan saat ini telah memiliki anggota sebanyak 4.421 Internis dengan jumlah Konsultan sebanyak 891 pada masing-masing bidang Ilmu Penyakit Dalam yang berjumlah 11 sub-spesialis (Alergi Imunologi, Ginjal Hipertensi, Gastroenterologi-Hepatologi, Geriatri, Hematologi Onkologi Medik, Kardiologi, Metabolik Endokrin, Pulmonologi, Psikosomatik, Reumatologi, Tropik Infeksi).

We’re experienced

We are experienced professionals who will not only meet, but exceed, your expectations.

We are flexible

Because we are a small agency, we’re also responsive, flexible, agile, and client-oriented.

We are quick

We highly appreciate your time, and we are doing our best to find the best solutions asap.

We are cost-effective

We adapt as your needs change, with the cost-effectiveness that larger firms just can’t match.

Papdi Bogor

One of the advantages of working with our company is that we have a wide range of digital solutions, which help you improve your business strategy in any place and at all times. One of then is a cool business analytics app which can be integrated with you billing and crm system.


Papdi Bogor

One of the advantages of working with our company is that we have a wide range of digital solutions, which help you improve your business strategy in any place and at all times. One of then is a cool business analytics app which can be integrated with you billing and crm system.



We are flexible

Because we are a small agency, we’re also responsive, flexible, agile, and client-oriented.

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